Noun / exercise / class-1-2-3-4 / New St. Mery English School


Choose the nouns from the given sentences.

     1- Ravi has a blue pencil.

     2- The grapes are in the basket.

     3- Delhi is the capital of India.

     4- Rocky is my pet dog.

     5- mohan and Arjun are best friends.

     6- The lion lives in the forest.

     7- My friend is reading books.

     8- Kitty is my pet cat.

     9- The girls are playing in the park.

     10- My father has a white car.

     11- The apples are in basket.

     12- I love my school.

     13- Delhi is the capital city of India.

     14- He is my best friend.

     15- Jaipur is a beautiful city.

Circle the nouns from the list of words given below.

      Fruit          Cup          These         Love         Read          Banana          

Tall          Mumbai Books          Sky          Learn          Kite          Play  

 Rishi          Write          Monkey Sit         Shirt         Jump        Table  

Pen          Dog          Eat          Pink


Give two special names for each common name.

Common name                       special name

1   City                                 a- ………    b- ………

2   River                               a- ………    b- ………

3   Bird                                 a- ………    b- ………

4   Fruit                                a- ………    b- ………

5   Festival                           a- ………    b- ………

6   Flower                            a- ………    b- ………

7   Country                          a- ………    b- ………

Circle the proper nouns and underline the common nouns in the following sentences.

1      1- Holi is the festival of color.

2      2- Rohit is my best friend.

3      3- Maruti, Zen, Alto and Honda are cars.

4      4- Tina’s birthday is in march.

5      5- Ashoka was a great king.

6      6- India is a big country.

     7- Somnath temple is a beautiful monument.

Underline the proper noun and circle the common noun.

     1- Jeddah is a big city. 

     2- Ahmed is a brave boy.

     3- Akbar was a great king.

     4- My house is on Sitten road.

     5- Mr. Mehta is a kind man.

     6- Madan plays game on his computer.

     7- Anil works in a studio.

     8- Sheela is wearing a beautiful dress.

     9- Anita works with a machine.

     10- Rahul is playing with the bell.

     11- India is a big country.

     12- My parents go to Subhash park everyday for a walk.

     13- The Nile is a largest river.

     14- Eiffel Tower is a famous building.

     15- My pet dog is Blackie.

Underline the common nouns in the following sentences.

     1. The monkey is eating a banana.

     2. The cat is sleeping under the table.

     3. The girls are on their way to the school.

     4. I am working in the garden.

     5. We must eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

     6. The dog is chasing the cat.

     7. There are some mangoes in the basket.

     8. The duck was swimming in the pond.

     9. The lion is in the cage.

     10. India is my country.

     11. Cows eat grass.

     12. I bought some oranges yesterday.

Underline the proper nouns and circle the common noun in the following sentences.

      1- My teacher is from Assam.

      2- Roses smell sweet.

      3- Sana likes to go to the beach.

      4- Chennai is a big city.

      5- River ganges is in India.

      6- My brother, Andrew, is a doctor.

      7- Nehru park is in Delhi.

      8- I love Cudbury chocolates.

      9- Raj is watering the plants.

      10- Grapes are good for health.

What do we call a person who.

      1- A person who writes book

    - writer

    2- A person who shows the way 

    - guide

    3- A person who works on a ship 

    - sailor

    4- A person who sells milk 

    - milk man

    5- A person who sells bread 

    - baker

    6- A person who sells flowers 

    - florist

    7- A person who takes photographs 

    - photographer

    8- A person who acts in film 

    - actor

    9- A person who cuts our hair 

    - barber

   10- A person who works in a farm 

    - farmer 

fill in the blanks with collective noun.

      1. A __________ of birds

      2. A __________ of ships

      3. A __________ of cattle

      4. A __________ of wolves

      5. A __________ of bees

      6. An __________ of ants

      7. A __________ of hay

      8. A __________ of fish

      9. A __________ of cards

      10. A __________ of papers

      11. A __________ of grapes

      12. A __________ of lions

      13. A __________ of rice

      14. A __________ of oysters

      15. A __________ of musicians

      16. A __________ of geese

      17. A __________ of drawers

      18. A __________ of singers

      19. A __________ of mountains

      20. A __________ of trees

Ans:-1. flock 2. fleet 3. herd  4.  pack 5. swarm 6.  army 7.  bale 8.  school 9.  deck 10.  stack
11.  bunch  12. pride 13. bowl 14.  bed 15.  band 16.  gaggle 17. chest 18.  choir  19. range 20. forest

Pick out the material noun:-

     a) Milk products are good for health.

     b) Mercury is a soft metal.

     c) The weapons are made of iron.

     d) My mother wears gold necklace.

     e) Sheep gives us milk.

     f) The chair is made of wood.

Circle the material noun.

     1- The bat is made of wood from a tree.

     2- The phone is made of plastic and metal.

     3- I need some water for the cake.

     4- The pen is out of ink.

     5- Your shirt has a button short.

     6- This ring is made of gold and diamond.

     7- The bricks are loose on this wall.

     8- We run a steel company.

     9- Coal and diamond are abundant in Africa.

     10- Maldives is a beautiful country famous for crystal clear blue water. 

     11- Shelly drinks two glasses of milk every day to become stronger.

     12- Add some more salt in the dish to make it tastier.

     13- I like your silver ring. In front of it even my gold ring looks plain.

Circle the abstract noun. 

     1- Failure is the pillar of success. 

     2- World needs peace.

     3- Its pleasure to meet you. 

     4- Truth cannot be hidden for a long time.

     5- Do no test my patience.    

     6- Honesty is the best policy. 

     7- Childhood was the best part of my life.








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