noun-types and definition with example/ Class-5-6-7-8 / New St. Mery English School

noun meaning - definition and types 

What is Noun?

 A Noun is the name of persons, places, animals, things or ideas .


Bhagat Singh, Rohan, Kabita

Mumbai, Japan, schoo

 dog, tiger, giraffe

book, table, shoes

kindness, honesty, oldness

 How many types of noun? Name them.

There are five types of noun

1- Common Noun

2- Proper Noun

3- Collective Noun

4- Material Noun

5- Abstract Noun

What is common Noun? give some examples.

Common noun is the general name given to a group of persons, places, animals or things.

Ex- city, mountain, building, newspaper, etc.

What is Proper Noun? give some example

 Proper noun is the name of particular persons, places, animals or things.

Ex:- Bhagat Singh, Somnath Temple, Himalaya etc.

What is Collective Noun? Give some example.

 A collective noun is a word used to name a group of people, animals or things.

Example -

 A bunch of grapes

A bundle of sticks

A herd of cows

A flock of birds

A swarm of beas

What is Material Noun? give some example

 Material nouns are the names of materials or substances out of which things are made.

Ex- gold, iron, silver, milk, wood, soil etc.

What is Abstract Noun? Write some examples.

 Abstract noun is the name of qualities, ideas, emotions and such things which which we can not see or touch.

Ex- beauty, compassion, courage, honesty, wisdom, talent, childhood, sorrow etc.

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