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1:- Circle the action words (verbs) in the given list.
     Read          Good          Reply          Enjoying          School         Tall         Flying         Story

     Teaches         Polishes         Watches          up          Teeth         Shoes         Helps          Likes
     Meals          Running          Biggest          Talks
2:- Fill in the blanks with apropriate action word.

Reading     Writing     Watching     Eating     Brushing     Swinging     Cooking  

     1- Ruchi is____________ on the swings.
     2- Saksham is ___________ an icecream.
     3- He is ____________ a story book.
     4- Mother is __________ food for me.
     5- The boy is __________ his teeth.
     6- The teacher is __________ on the board.
     7- They are __________ T.V.




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1:- Identify the Common Nouns in the following sentences. Click on the sentence for the answer.

1. They arrived early but at the wrong station.

2. We counted only six different colours in the rainbow.

3. The man was trying to steal a horse with a cart full of apples..

4. They have gone to the zoo to see the black sheep.

5. She put her head on her arms and cried loudly.

6. My mother is singing a religious song in the kitchen.

7. He threw some salted nuts to the monkeys.

8. The children are kicking a ball around in the field.

9. That temple was built before my grandfather was born.

10. He bought balloons for his children and their friends.

11. My father swims like a turtle.

12. She won a trophy for best dancer in the street.

13. Simply point your camera at the camel and press the button.

14. We watched seabirds flocking above our heads.

15. He went to visit his homesick uncle at the hospital.

16. My brother wants to play hide-and-seek with us.

17. Let me look at your puppies and kittens.

18. The taxi broke down in front of my gate.

19. The boys are quarrelling noisily on the beach.

2:- Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns from the list.

1. The cat has a ……………………. of five kittens.
2. The ………………… of singers sang melodiously.
3. The jungle safari gave us an opportunity to spot a ………………… of lions.
4. The poachers were attacked by a ……………….. of wild elephants.
5. A ………………… of bees forced us to take shelter in the cave.
6. A ……………….. of stairs leads to the terrace.
7. The ……………….. of musicians delivered a magical performance.
8. The children were amused by the ………………. of monkeys in the park.
9. A …………………. of grapes was hanging from the vine.

Ans:- 1. litter 2. choir  3. pride 4. herd 5. swarm 6.  flight  7.  band  8. troop 9.  bunch

3:- Complete the following sentences using appropriate collective nouns.

1. A …………………………. of locusts attacked a ……………………….. of cattle.
2. A …………………………….. of birds is always a beautiful sight.
3. They welcomed the chief guest with a ………………………. of flowers.
4. As we drove down the country side, we saw a …………………………………. of sheep grazing in the fields.
5. The ………………………..of thieves has been arrested by the police.
6. There we saw a man carrying a …………………………….. of clothes on his head.
7. A ………………………………. of musicians was hired to perform at the party.
8. My friend has a fine ………………………….. of old stamps.
1. swarm , herd  2. flight 3. bouquet 4. flock 5. gang 6. bundle 7. A band 8. collection

4:- Fill in the blanks with collective nouns.

a) The farmer has a ________________of cattle on his farm.
b) Our friend shows us a ______________ of stamps.
c) She bought a ________________ of bananas from the market.
d)They saw a ______________ of lions at the zoo.
e) A police have arrested a ______________ of thieves.

Ans:- a) Flock b) Collection  c) Bunch d) Troop e) Gang

5:- Circle the abstract noun. 

     1- Truthfulness is a virtue that is rare nowadays. 

     2- Honesty depends mostly on truthfulness and integrity. 

     3- Childhood is the best time to build it.

     4- Different people may have different ideas, opinions, and beliefs.

     5- But some virtues receive universal acknowledgment. 

     6- Courage, bravery, honesty, intelligence, perseverance, etc. are the best of virtues. 

     7- Kindness, fidelity, justness, faithfulness, optimism, etc. are also good virtues.

     8- There are also some commonly acknowledged vices. 

     9- Dishonesty, treachery, infidelity, brutality, pessimism, etc. are some of the vices. 

     10- Hatred, malice, vengefulness, cruelty, spitefulness, etc. are some negative qualities. 

     11- Failure is the pillar of success. 

     12- Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder.

     13- Do not doubt my loyalty. 

     14- World needs peace.

     15- Its pleasure to meet you. 

     16- Truth cannot be hidden for a long time.

     17- Do no test my patience. 

     18- Happiness and sadness are two sides of a coin. 

     19- Honesty is the best policy. 

     20- Childhood was the best part of my life.

     6:- Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given nouns for the following exercise. Use each noun only one time.

chair job experience information hair
luggage progress furniture permission work

1. I don't have much . Just two small bags.

2. They are going to tell you all you want to know. They are going to

give you a lot of .

3. There is room for everybody to sit down. There are a lot of .

4. We have no , not even a bed or a table.

5. 'What does Alan look like?' He's got a long beard and very short


6. Carla's English is very bad. She must make .

7. George is unemployed. He's looking for a .

8. If you want to leave work early, you have to ask for .

9. I don't think Ann will get the job. She hasn't got enough .

10. Shakespeare’s are wonderful.


helping verbs

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Complete the following sentences using is, am or are.

1. My mother ...................... a teacher.
2. You ..................... my best friend.
3. He ..................... a clever boy.
4. Rohan ...................... my classmate.
5) Sania ...................... very pretty.
6. Rohan and Sania ..................... my classmates.
7. The elephant ...................... the biggest animal on the land.
8. My sister ...................... a teacher.
9. My father ...................... working.
10. My sister ...................... doing her homework.
11. The birds ...................... flying in the sky.
12. The boys ...................... playing in the garden.
13. The students ...................... learning their lessons.
14. Raju ..................... making a paper boat.
15. Rani ...................... knitting a sweater.
16. My sister's baby ...................... very cute.
17. I ...................... a girl.
18. My dad ...................... is a superman.
19. My sister ...................... my best friend.
20. I ...................... the only child of my parents.
21. My brother and I ....................... going to the park.
22. Sophia ...................... my class teacher.
23. The sun ..................... a star.
24. Suma ...................... a good singer.
25. We ...................... all Indians.
26. It ...................... my pen.
27. Where ...................... John?
28. What ..................... you doing there?
29. A spider ...................... an insect.
30. It ...................... raining.
31. She ...................... a doctor.
32. Who ...................... he?
33. I ..................... an Indian.
34. My name ...................... Manjusha.
35. Children ..................... curious.
36. My teacher ...................... my best friend.
37. The earth ...................... round.
38. The crow ...................... black is colour.
39. Where ..................... you father?
40. What ..................... this?
41. My niece ..................... a naughty girl.
42. This ...................... a story you will enjoy.
43. My dog ...................... an Alsatian.
44. My parents ..................... teachers.

Sentence-Exercise /Class-5-6-7-8 / New St. Mery English School

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Sentence Exercise

Arrange the following group of words to make complete sense.
1. Flower beautiful a rose the is.
2. Dog a pet is animal.
3. Dancing peacock the is.
4. Umbrella pretty my is very
5. Anya friend best my is.
6. Doing Sohan homework is his.
7. Love toys children
8. Doctor medicine us gives the.
9. National Lion animal is the.
10. The sky in fly airplanes.
11. bird a lives nest in a
12. health is good milk for
13. I bicycle have a new
14. Ravi kites flies
15. Preety is girl a Ritu
16. likes to eat sandwich she
17. hen a baby called is a chick
18. Saurav his opens present birthday
19. Rohit an icecream buys
20. Komal shopping fond is of

Rewrite the following sentences using two rules of the sentence (Capital Letter and full stop).
1. a balloon is full of air
2. India is my country
3. fish live in water
4. the sun rises in the east
5. the cow gives us milk
Match the beginnings with the endings to make complete sentences.
1. Delhi is                                seven days.
2. The Taj Mahal                   capital of India.
3. Vidhi Is                                is in Agra .
4. A week has                         flies in the sky.
5. An Aeroplane                     singing a song.

Identify the type of sentence. 

 ( assertive sentence , Imperative sentence, Interrogative sentence or Exclamatory sentence )

1. How well she sings!
2. What is your name?
3. Did I say anything to make you angry?
4. What is your name?
5. Who told you this?
6. She is a successful writer.
7. It is raining cats and dogs.
8. I want to become a writer.
9. She does not eat meat or fish.
10. Go at once.
11. Bring me that file.
12. My mother makes delicious cookies.
13. Get lost.
14. Fetch me a glass of water.
15. Please be seated.
16. Sit down.
17. She writes with her left hand.
18. What a tragedy!
19. How beautiful she is!
20. I have two sisters.
21. How ridiculous this is!
22. I have lost my way.