
Pronoun / exercise / class-5-6-7-8 / New St. Mery English School

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1:- Complete the following sentences using suitable pronouns.
     1. The girls are playing in the garden. 
          ……………….. look very happy.

     2. The boys are making a lot of noise. 
         Please ask ……………… to be quiet.

     3. Where is Rohan? 
         I haven’t seen ………………. in several days.

     4. Raju complained to the teacher. 
         ………………… bicycle had been stolen.

     5. My neighbors are some students. 
         …………………. are very noisy.

     6. I had invited all of ………………. friends 
          but none of ……………….. turned up.

     7. I have never met James and I don’t know …………………

     8. ………………… are going to the movies. 
        Do you want to come with …………………?

     9. Susie is a nice girl. Everyone likes ……………….

     10. My daughters enjoy watching cartoon films. This CD is for ………………….

2:- Choose the correct Pronouns and fill in the blanks.

     1- Preeti says that ………. Likes oranges. (he/she)
     2- ………… is an actor. (I/he)
     3- She likes ………….. dress. ( her/him )
     4- ……………… am a student. (She/I)
     5…………… is Sheena. ( She/he )
     6- Karan and …………….. mother came today. ( his/her)
     7- This is a chair. ……………………. is made of wood. (it , he )
     8- ……………………. have an uncle.       
          ……………………. name is Raju.
         ……………………. is a singer. (his , he , i )

3:- Replace the bold words with the correct pronoun.

     1- My cousin and her friend were at the mall.
     Ans:- ___________ were at the mall.

     2- Peter is a little sick.
     Ans:- __________ is a little sick.

     3- Does your aunt know what happened? 
     Ans:- Does ___________ know what happened?

     4- The door is locked.
     Ans:- __________ is locked.

     5- My friend Ramesh and I are going on a trip.
     Ans:- __________ are going on a trip.

     6:- Am I a good student? 
      Ans:- Yes, __________ are a good student.

     7:- My cats are hungry.
     Ans:- __________ are hungry.

     8:- Mr. Dinesh is a good teacher.
     Ans:- __________ is a good teacher.

     9:- Is English a difficult language.
     Ans:- Yes, __________ is a difficult language.

     10:- My brother and I live together.
     Ans:- __________ live together . 

4:-  Fill in the blanks with right Personal pronoun.

      1-May ________ help ________?
      2- I am hungry. Can you give ___________ something to eat?
      3- The girl hit the dog and ________ ran after ________ .
      4- Tarun is not well so  ________ did not go to school.
      5- The teacher scolded him but ____________ didn't hear..
      6- Megha and meena are good speakers. We like to hear ____________.
      7-  __________ is a slow worker but no one teases ________.
      8- ________ are going to kolkata with our family.
      9- Our neighbour is a rude person. _________ never talks to ________ politely.
      10- Some visitors have come to our school. Do you know _________.

4:-  Fill in the blanks with right possessive pronoun.

      1-I have a new book. It is __________.
      2- She has a new cat. It is ___________.
      3- They have new pillows. It is ________.
      4- We have new shoes. They are ________.
      5- He has a new car. It is ____________.
      6- You have a new toy. It is ____________.
      7- The dog has a new bone. It is __________.
      8- The book belongs to her. It is ___________.
      9- The coat belongs to me. It is ____________.
      10- The chairs belongs to marie. It is _________.

5:- Fill in the blanks with the correct demonstrative pronoun.

     1- Come and look at _________ insects.
     2- Stop _______ man.
     3- I was in fifth grade last year. I am in sixth grade _________ year.
     4- Bring ________ chairs here.
     5- ________ ice cream is delicious.
     6- Can you see ________ stars in the sky?
     7- ________ is not my pen.
     8-________ are the names of my friends.
     9- ________ was a cock and bull story.
     10- ________ were my brother's friends.
     11- __________ is a costly book.
     12- Is _________ your notebook?
     13- _________ were my olden days.
     14- _________ are my paintings. 

  6:- Fill in the blanks with correct reflexive pronouns.

     1-He brunt _________ with the matches.
     2- Be careful! you might electrocute __________!
     3- Ow! I've cut _________.
     4- The cat has scratched _________.
     5- They're talking photos of _________.
     6- We're going to hurt _________ if we're not careful.

7:- Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns.

    1- I did not want to believe it and then I saw the UFO ________.
    2-The girl looked at _______ mirror.
    3- Freddy, you'll have to do your homework _________.
    4- You don't need to help them. They can do it _________.
    5- I introduced ___________ to my new neighbour.
    6- Boys, can you make your beds ________?
    7- She made ________ a pullover.
    8- What happens when a fighting fish sees _________ in the mirror.
    9- The father decided to repair the car __________.
    10- We can move the table ________.

8:- Fill in the blanks with correct relative pronouns.

    1- We all trust people ................ speak the truth.
    2- I don't understand ........................ you mean .
    3- She has gone to Bangalore, ................. is her birth place.
    4- You should learn to give away .................... you do not need.
    5- There is no one .................. has not lost a dear one.
    6- You get ................... you deserve.
    7-This is the house ................... belongs to my uncle. 
    8-Is this the bird ................... is known to be the biggest one?

    9-The boy ................... is standing there is the monitor of the class.

  10-This is the bag ................... was found in the train.

  11- Do you know ................... jacket is this?

  12-Did you see the man ................... was begging at the railway station?


9:- Fill in the blanks with suitable interrogative pronouns.

     1- __________ Did you invite to preside over the meeting? 
     2- She asked ___________ I preferred, tea or coffee?
     3- Of __________ are you speaking?
     4- ____________ do you want to do?
     5- ____________ shall I give this to?
     6- ____________ of these books will you take?
     7- I don't know ___________ of them will actually get it?
     8- ___________ said these words?
     9- Of ___________ boy are you speaking?
     10- ____________ do you want to see?
     11- ___________ did he come here for?
     12- ___________ do you think, is the correct answer to this question?
     13- To __________ did she give her necklace?
     14- __________ do you think he is?
     15- With _________ were you exchanging pleasantries?
     16- ____________ is better, honor or riches?
     17- ____________ of them wants to see me?
     18- To ___________ do you pass on the notes?

10:- Fill in the blanks with emphatic pronouns.
      1- She __________washes her clothes .
      2- We  __________  enjoyed at the party.
      3- The minister __________ said this.
      4- He __________ told me this.
      5- You __________ know better than anybody else.