
noun-types and definition with example/ Class-5-6-7-8 / New St. Mery English School

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noun meaning - definition and types 

What is Noun?

 A Noun is the name of persons, places, animals, things or ideas .


Bhagat Singh, Rohan, Kabita

Mumbai, Japan, schoo

 dog, tiger, giraffe

book, table, shoes

kindness, honesty, oldness

 How many types of noun? Name them.

There are five types of noun

1- Common Noun

2- Proper Noun

3- Collective Noun

4- Material Noun

5- Abstract Noun

What is common Noun? give some examples.

Common noun is the general name given to a group of persons, places, animals or things.

Ex- city, mountain, building, newspaper, etc.

What is Proper Noun? give some example

 Proper noun is the name of particular persons, places, animals or things.

Ex:- Bhagat Singh, Somnath Temple, Himalaya etc.

What is Collective Noun? Give some example.

 A collective noun is a word used to name a group of people, animals or things.

Example -

 A bunch of grapes

A bundle of sticks

A herd of cows

A flock of birds

A swarm of beas

What is Material Noun? give some example

 Material nouns are the names of materials or substances out of which things are made.

Ex- gold, iron, silver, milk, wood, soil etc.

What is Abstract Noun? Write some examples.

 Abstract noun is the name of qualities, ideas, emotions and such things which which we can not see or touch.

Ex- beauty, compassion, courage, honesty, wisdom, talent, childhood, sorrow etc.


what is pronoun with examples-types and definition with example

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what is pronoun with examples-types and definition with example

What is Pronoun?

Pronoun is a word that is used in the place of Noun.


Personal Pronoun - I, We, You, They, He, She, It, me, him, her, them, us

Possessive Pronoun - Mine, Ours, Yours, Theirs, his, hers

 Emphatic pronoun - myself, ourselves, yourselves, yourself, themselves, himself, herself, itself 

Reflexive Pronoun -  myself, ourselves, yourselves, yourself, themselves, himself, herself, itself

Interrogative Pronoun - Who, Whom, Which, What, Whoever, Whichever

Demonstrative Pronoun - This, That, These, Those 

Relative Pronoun - Who, Whom, Whose, Which, That

Indefinite Pronoun - Someone, Anybody, Anyone, Nowhere, Few, Many, Nothing

Reciprocal Pronoun - Each other, One another  


Personal Pronoun

What is Personal pronoun?

Ans:- A pronoun which is used instead of the name of persons, places, animals or things is called personal pronoun.

Ex:- I, We, you, They, He, She, It

       Me, us, you, them, Him, her, It

      Mine, Ours, Yours, Theirs, His, Hers, Its

How many types of personal pronoun?

Ans:- There are three types of personal pronoun.

          1- Subjective pronoun

          2- Objective pronoun

         3- Possessive Pronoun

What is subjective pronoun?

Ans:- Pronoun that acts as the subject of a sentence is called subjective pronoun

Ex- I, We, you, They, He, She, It

What is objective pronoun?

Ans:- Pronoun that acts as the object of a sentence is called objective pronoun

Ex- Me, us, you, them, Him, her, It


What is possessive pronoun?

Ans:- A possessive pronoun is a pronoun that replaces a noun and shows ownership or possession of object.

Ex- Mine, Ours, Yours, Theirs, His, Hers, Its

  Emphatic pronoun

 What is Emphatic Pronoun?

Emphatic pronoun is a pronoun which is used to explain the action done by Subject . Emphatic pronouns emphasize the subject in a sentence

Ex:- myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, themselves, himself, herself, itself 


Subject (Personal Pronoun)


Emphatic pronoun












Yourself, yourselves

















मैंने खुद ही इस काम को किया। 

I myself  did this work. 

तुमने खुद ही उसे देखा। 

You yourself saw him. 

 Reflexive Pronoun

What is Reflexive Pronoun?

 A Pronoun which shows reflection of the verb on the subject is called reflexive pronoun. 

Ex:- myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, themselves, himself, herself, itself 


Subject (Personal Pronoun)


Reflexive pronoun












Yourself, yourselves

















 मैंने खुद को देखा। 

I saw myself.

तुम खुद से बात कर रहे  हो 

You are talking to yourself. 


 Interrogative Pronoun

What is Interrogative Pronoun?

 An Interrogative pronoun is a pronoun which is used for ask question.

Ex:- who, whom, whose, which, what

When will you come to home?

Why are you sad?

Where do you live?

How old are you? 

Demonstrative pronoun

What is Demonstrative Pronoun?

 A pronoun that is used to point out the persons, places, animals or things we talk about is called demonstrative pronoun.

Ex:- This, That, these, those, such, one.

ऐसे लोग स्वार्थी होते है। 

Such people are selfish.

ऐसे बच्चे मुझे पसंद नहीं। 

I don't like such children. 

कोई अपने परिवार के लिए कुछ भी कर सकता है। 

One can do anything for once family. 

Relative pronoun

What is Relative Pronoun?

 Relative Pronoun is a word which relates to the noun or pronoun which is used before it. It helps to join subordinate clause and principal clause.

Ex:- What, Who, Whose, Which, That

Who - जो - It is used for persons

What - जो - It is used for thoughts

Which - जो - It is used for animals and things

That - जो - It is used instead of who and which

The boy, who is with you, is my friend.

What we do , is right.

The pen which you gave yesterday, has broken today.

This is the boy , whose father is doctor.

The boy, that is with you, is my friend.

The pen that you gave yesterday, has broken today.


Indefinite pronoun

What is indefinite Pronoun?

 The pronoun that represents indefinite persons, places, animals or things is called indefinite pronoun.

Ex:- Somebody, anybody, everybody, nobody, someone, anyone, everyone, no one, something, anything, everything, nothing, somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, nowhere 

Somebody - कोई                    something - कुछ

anybody - कोई / कोई भी         anything - कुछ भी / कुछ

everybody - सभी                  everything - सब कुछ

nobody - कोई भी नहीं             nothing - कुछ भी नहीं 

someone - कोई                      somewhere - कहीं

anyone - कोई / कोई भी          anywhere - कहीं भी / कहीं

everyone - सभी                    everywhere - सभी जगह

no one - कोई भी नहीं              nowhere - कहीं भी नहीं 

 Someone has stolen my bag.

There is something in his box. 

Reciprocal pronoun

What is Reciprocal Pronoun?

 Reciprocal pronoun is a pronoun which represents mutual understanding or mutual relationship between two or more than two.

Ex:- each other, one another

each other - It is used for two 

one another - It is used for more than two

⇒ Both team challenged each other .
⇒ Both the boys were fighting with each other.
⇒ Kabita and Babita lived with each other.
⇒ All the workers were celebrated with one another.
⇒ The entires family loves with one another.