
Sentence and its types / Class-5-6-7-8 / New St. Mery English School

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 What is sentence?

A group of words that make a complete sense is called sentence.

 Ex:- Ram reads a story.

         Are you going to school?

         Do you eat food?

         She was playing football.

         He did not gone to home.

How many types of sentence? name them.

There are five types of sentence.

(1) Assertive sentence

(2) Interrogative sentence

(3) Imperative sentence

(4) Exclamatory sentence

(5) Optative sentence

What is Assertive sentence?

A sentence that says something about a subject is called Assertive sentence.

Ex:- She reads a book.

       I do not go to school.

How many types of Assertive sentence?

There are two types of assertive sentence.

1- Affirmative sentence - It provides positive information.

Ex:- You are writing a letter.

        Ram reads a book.

2- Negative sentence- It provides negative information.

Ex:- I do not go to  school.

      She does not play here.

What is Interrogative sentence?

A sentence that asks question is called Interrogative sentence.

Ex:- Are you a good boy?

       Did you complete your homework?

       In which class do you read?

       Is this your pen?

What is Imperative sentence?

 A sentence that express command, request or an advice is called imperative sentence.

Ex:- Come here.

       Please give me your pen.

      You should drink so much milk.

What is Exclamatory sentence?

A sentence that express some strong or sudden feelings is called Exclamatory sentence.

Ex:- Hurray ! We have won the match.

       What a beautiful flower!

What is Optative sentence?

A sentence that expresses prayer, wish, curse or bless is called Optative sentence.

Ex:- May God bless you.

       Wish you a very successful married life.