verb / Class- 1-2-3-4 / New St. Mery English School

What is verb?

Ans:- A verb is a word which denotes an action or position.

Example- fly, sing, play, read,cook etc.

Fill in the blanks with verb from the box.

packs    watches    sharpens    goes    drink

1- Nitesh __________ his bag before going to school.

2- I _______ a glass of milk in the morning.

3- My grandfather ________ TV at night.

4- Yash ________ to the market and gets the books.

5- Tina ________ her pencil before writing.

Circle the verbs from given words.

cook, apple, he, dance, mohan, they, good, flower, write, you, play, fat

How many types of verb?

Ans:- There are two types of verb.

1- transitive verb

2- Intransitive verb

What is Transitive verb?

A verb that requires an object to complete its meaning is called a transitive verb.

Ex:- The teacher scolded the the child.

        The driver drives a car.

What is Intransitive verb?

A verb that does not require an object to complete its meaning is called an Intransitive verb.

Ex:- The sun shines.

        The dog barks.

Complete the sentences by adding object.

1- Megha opened __________.

2- He broke __________.

3- Arjun plays __________.

4- My mother bought some __________.

5- The cart carried __________.

6- The children were making __________.

7- Goldsmith makes __________.

8- The little boy is drinking __________.  

Write whether the verb is used as transitive or intransitive

1- The boy saw a snake in the garden. ____________________.

2- Rohan is sleeping. ____________________.

3- Our team won the match. ____________________.

4- The driver drives a car. ____________________.

5- Dogs bark. ____________________.

6- The sun shines. ____________________.

7- The tailor stitches clothes. ____________________.

8- The teacher scolded the child. ____________________.

9- The girl cried. ____________________.

10- The beggar begged. ____________________.

Complete the sentences with appropriate objects if the verbs are transitive or add punctuation marks if the verbs are intransitive.

1- The cats mew  ____________________.

2- The postman brought ____________________.

3- We danced  ____________________.

4- The baby crawled ____________________.

5- Rita sang ____________________.

6- She shut ____________________.

7- The girl is plucking ____________________.

8- my friend shouted ____________________.

9- Kapil got ____________________.

10- The wind blows ____________________. 

Rewrite the sentences by replacing the objects. one is done for you

1- The hunter killed the lion.   The hunter killed the tiger.

2- My friend got a prize. ___________________________.

3- The thief stole the car. ___________________________.

4- The boy caught a fish. ___________________________.

5- The girl is eating an apple. ___________________________.

6- Dravid hit a century. ___________________________.

7- The girl helped the old woman. _________________________.

8- Raj bought a shirt. ___________________________.

9- The children pushed the lorry. ___________________________.

10- Parrots eat guava. ___________________________.        






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