
Adjective / exercise / class 1-2-3-4 / new St. Mery English School

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 Circle the adjective in these given words

1- play, good, table, red, 

2- flower, we, five, second,

3- mohan, on, kite, beautiful

4- home, car, new, mango

5- happy, mother, tree, mouse

Fill in the blanks with suitable adjective

1- A __________ lion

2- A __________ mother

3- A __________ beggar

4- A __________ house

5- A __________ doll

6- A __________ shirt

7- A __________ soldier

8- An __________ book

9- An __________ story

10- A __________ tea

Fill in the blanks with suitable adjective

1- An insect has __________ legs. ( two / six )

2- An elephant is __________. ( tiny / large )

3- A car has __________ wheels. (four / two )

4- Leaves are __________. ( green / blue )

5- Honey is __________. ( sweet / sour )

6- Fire is __________. ( hot / cold )

7- A giraffe has a __________ leg. ( long / short )

8- The shoes are __________. ( clean / weak )

9- A rock is __________. (soft / hard )

10- Lions are __________ animals. ( strong / weak ) 

Write opposite of these given adjectives

hot - cold

big - small

slow - fast

dull - bright

smooth - rough

narrow - wide

long - short

kind - cruel

sweet - sour

fat - thin

new - old

ugly - beautiful

strong - weak

sharp - blunt

empty - full

happy - sad

ripe - raw

heavy - light

clean - dirty

soft - hard

tiny - large

brave - timid

lazy - fast

Underline the adjective in the sentences given below.

1- The gray puppy ran after me. 

2- The strawberries are sweet .

3- I see five birds in the sky.

4- I tasted the sour lmons.

5- The loud music hearts my ear.

6- Meena is a pretty girl.

7- The soldiers are brave.

8- I have a red bicycle. 

9- My uncle has a big house.

10- These mangoes are sweets.




Pronoun / exercise / class 1-2-3-4 / new St. Mery English School

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1:- Circle the pronouns.

     Rajan          I          We          Play          Computer          Dog
     They          He          Ram          Ghee          It          You          She

2:- Match the words with the pronouns.

     My friends                                                      she
     The girl                                                           it
     A cat                                                               it

     You and I                                                        she

     You and Bill                                                   they

     The boys                                                         we

     This boy                                                          they

     Lisa and her friends                                        you

     A car                                                               they

     Emma                                                              he

3:- Circle the pronouns.

     1- Allen             his              Car

     2- Door             Marie          her

     3- me                Ann             sofa

     4- school           us                road

     5- we                happy           lee

     6- Roy              they              garden

     7- them            people           eat
     8- chuck          his                  jozz

     9- baseball       shirley           she

     10- we              apple             Art

     11- her              hat                jenny

     12- Sam            his                book 

4:- Fill in the blanks with demonstrative pronoun

     1- Is ________ my drink?
     2- _________ aren't my trainers.
     3- Is _________ an interesting museum.
     4- __________ are new bikes.
     5- __________ is my house.
     6- __________ is a hill.
     7- __________ are donkeys.
     8- What is _________?
     9-  _________ is my mother's ring.
     10- ________ is my pen.

5:- Fill in the blanks with correct reflexive pronouns.

     1-He brunt _________ with the matches.
     2- The cat has scratched _________.
     3- They are talking photos of _________.
    4- We are going to hurt _________.
    5-I saw the UFO ________.
    6-The girl looked at _______ in the mirror.
    7-  you do your homework _________.
    8- I introduced ___________ to my new neighbour.
    9- The father decided to repair the car __________.
    10- We can move the table ________.

6:- Fill in the blanks with emphatic pronouns.

      1- She __________washes her clothes .
      2- We  __________  enjoyed at the party.
      3- The minister __________ said this.
      4- He __________ told me this.
      5- You __________ know better than anybody else. 

7:- Fill in the blanks with suitable interrogative pronouns.

     1- ____________ do you want to do?
     2- ____________ of these books will you take?
     3- ___________ said these words?
     4- ____________ is better, honor or riches?
     5- ____________ is the name of that girl?
     6- ____________ will the train start?
     7- ____________ is the best football player?
     8- ____________ much money you had?  

8:-  Choose the right possessive pronoun.

      1-I have a new book. It is __________.
      2- She has a new cat. It is ___________.
      3- They have new pillows. It is ________.
      4- We have new shoes. They are ________.
      5- He has a new car. It is ____________.
      6- You have a new toy. It is ____________.
      7- The dog has a new bone. It is __________.
      8- The book belongs to her. It is ___________.
      9- The coat belongs to me. It is ____________.
      10- The chairs belongs to marie. It is _________. 








Pronoun / Class- 1-2-3-4 / New St. Mery English School

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what is pronoun with examples-types and definition with example

What is Pronoun?

Pronoun is a word that is used in the place of Noun.


 I, We, You, They, He, She, It, me, him, her, them, us

Personal Pronoun

What is Personal pronoun?

Ans:- A pronoun which is used instead of the name of persons, places, animals or things is called personal pronoun.

Ex:- I, We, you, They, He, She, It

       Me, us, you, them, Him, her, It

      Mine, Ours, Yours, Theirs, His, Hers, Its

How many types of personal pronoun?

Ans:- There are three types of personal pronoun.

          1- Subjective pronoun

            Ex- I, We, you, They, He, She, It

          2- Objective pronoun

            Ex- Me, us, you, them, Him, her, It

         3- Possessive Pronoun

           Ex- Mine, Ours, Yours, Theirs, His, Hers, Its

What is possessive pronoun?

Ans:- A possessive pronoun is a pronoun that replaces a noun and shows ownership or possession of object.

Ex- Mine, Ours, Yours, Theirs, His, Hers, Its

  Emphatic pronoun

 What is Emphatic Pronoun?

Emphatic pronoun is a pronoun which is used to explain the action done by Subject . Emphatic pronouns emphasize the subject in a sentence

Ex:- myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, themselves, himself, herself, itself 


Subject (Personal Pronoun)


Emphatic pronoun












Yourself, yourselves

















मैंने खुद ही इस काम को किया। 

I myself  did this work. 

तुमने खुद ही उसे देखा। 

You yourself saw him. 

 Reflexive Pronoun

What is Reflexive Pronoun?

 A Pronoun which shows reflection of the verb on the subject is called reflexive pronoun. 

Ex:- myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, themselves, himself, herself, itself 


Subject (Personal Pronoun)


Reflexive pronoun












Yourself, yourselves

















 मैंने खुद को देखा। 

I saw myself.

तुम खुद से बात कर रहे  हो 

You are talking to yourself. 


 Interrogative Pronoun

What is Interrogative Pronoun?

 An Interrogative pronoun is a pronoun which is used for ask question.

Ex:- who, whom, whose, which, what

When will you come to home?

Why are you sad?

Where do you live?

How old are you? 

Demonstrative pronoun

What is Demonstrative Pronoun?

 A pronoun that is used to point out the persons, places, animals or things we talk about is called demonstrative pronoun.

Ex:- This, That, these, those, such, one.