
things at home / LKG / exercise / Knowledge Hub

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Write ten names of things that are found in class

1- door -   दरवाजा 

2- window - खिड़की 

3- fan - पंखा 

4- lamp - लैंप

5- mirror - दर्पण

6- clock - घड़ी  

7- almirah - अलमीरा   

8- calendar - कैलेंडर 

9- bed - बिस्तर  

10- cooler - कूलर 

Fill in the blanks with missing letters

1- doo ______ 

2- windo ______

3- fa ______

4- lam ______

5- mirro ______

6- cloc ______ 

7- almira ______  

8- calenda ______

9- be ______ 

10- coole ______


unscramble the jumbled word 

1- rood - _______________

2- wodniw - _______________

3- naf - _______________

4- pmal - _______________

5- rorrim - _______________

6- kcolc - _______________

7- harimla - _______________

8-  radnelac - _______________

9- deb - _______________

10- relooc - _______________

things at school / LKG / exercise / Knowledge Hub

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Write ten names of things that are found in class

1- teacher -   शिक्षक

2- student - विद्यार्थी

3- blackboard - ब्लैक बोर्ड

4- chalk - खल्ली

5- duster - डस्टर

6- table - टेबल 

7- chair - कुर्षी  

8- bench - बेंच 

9- desk - डेस्क 

10- playground - खेल का मैदान

Fill in the blanks with missing letters

1- teache _____

2- studen _____

3- blackboar _____

4- chal _____

5- duste _____

6- tabl _____  

7- chai _____  

8- benc _____

9- des _____

10- playgroun _____


unscramble the jumbled word 

1- rehcaet - _______________

2- tnedust - _______________

3- draobkcalb - _______________

4- klahc - _______________

5- retsud - _______________

6- elbat - _______________

7- riahc - _______________

8-  hcneb - _______________

9- ksed - _______________

10- dnuorgyalp - _______________ 


parts of body / LKG / exercise / Knowledge Hub

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Write twenty names of parts of body

1- head - सिर   

2- hair - बाल

3- eye - आँख 

4- ear- कान

5- nose - नाक

6- mouth - मुँह  

7- tongue - जीभ  

8- teeth - दांत

9- lips - ओठ  

10- neck -गर्दन 

11- chest - छाती

12 - belly - पेट 

13- arm - बाँह 

14- hand - हाथ 

15- finger - उंगलि 

16- knee - घुटना 

17- leg - पैर 

18- foot - चरण 

19- toe - पाँव का अंगूठा 

20- elbow - कोहनी 

Fill in the blanks with missing letters

1- he_____d  

2- ha_____r

3- e_____

4- e_____r

5- no_____e

6- mou_____h  

7- tong_____e  

8- tee_____h

9- li_____s  

10- ne_____k

11- che_____t

12 - be___ ___ y

13- a_____m

14- ha_____d

15- fing_____r

16- kn_____e

17- l_____g

18- f___ ___ t

19- t_____

20- elb_____w


unscramble the jumbled word 

1- daeh - _______________

2- riah - _______________

3- yee - _______________

4- rae - _______________

5- eson - _______________

6- htuom - _______________

7- eugnot - _______________

8-  hteet - _______________

9- spil - _______________

10- kcen - _______________ 

11- tsehc - _______________

12- ylleb - _______________

13- mra - _______________

14- dnah - _______________

15- regnif - _______________

16- eenk - _______________

17- gel - _______________

18-  toof - _______________

19- eot - _______________

20- woble - _______________ 



colours / LKG / exercise / Knowledge Hub

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Write ten names of colours

1- Red - लाल  

2- green - हरा 

3- blue - नीला

4- yellow- पीला 

5- purple - बैगनी

6- black - काला 

7- pink - गुलाबी 

8- brown - भूरा 

9- orange - नारंगी 

10- violet - हल्का नीला रंग

Fill in the blanks with missing letters

1- Re ______  

2- gree ______  

3- blu ______

4- yello ______

5- purpl ______

6- blac ______  

7- pin ______

8- brow ______  

9- orang ______

10- viole ______


unscramble the jumbled word 

1- der - _______________

2- neerg - _______________

3- eulb - _______________

4- wolley - _______________

5- elprup - _______________

6- kcalb - _______________

7- knip - _______________

8-  nworb - _______________

9- egnaro - _______________

10- teloiv - _______________ 


wild animals / LKG / exercise / Knowledge Hub

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Write ten names of wild animals

1- lion - शेर 

2- tiger - बाघ

3- bear - भालू

4- fox - लोमड़ी

5- snake - सांप 

6- hippopotamus - दरियाई घोडा

7- deer - हिरण 

8- giraffe - जिराफ

9- monkey - बंदर

10- zebra - जेब्रा

Fill in the blanks with missing letters

1- lio ______ 

2- tige ______

3- bea ______

4- fo ______

5- snak ______ 

6- hippopotamu ______

7- dee ______ 

8- giraff ______

9- monke ______

10- zebr ______


unscramble the jumbled word 

1- noil - _______________

2- regit - _______________

3- raeb - _______________

4- xof - _______________

5- ekans - _______________

6- sumatopoppih - _______________

7- reed - _______________

8-  effarig - _______________

9- yeknom - _______________

10- arbez - _______________ 


birds / LKG / exercise / Knowledge Hub

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Write ten names of vegetables

1- cock - मुर्गा

2- crow - कौआ

3- cuckoo - कोयल 

4- pigeon - कबूतर

5- parrot - तोता

6- owl - उल्लू

7- duck - बतख

8- eagle - चील 

9- peacock - मोर 

10- sparrow - गौरैया

Fill in the blanks with missing letters 

1- coc ______

2- cro ______

3- cuck ___ ___

4- pigeo ______

5- parro ______

6- ow ______

7- duc ______

8- eagl ______  

9- peacoc ______

10- sparro ______


unscramble the jumbled word 

1- kcoc ______

2- worc ______

3- ookcuc ______

4- noegip ______

5- torrap ______

6- lwo ______

7- kcud - _______________

8-  elgae - _______________

9- kcocaep - _______________

10- worraps - _______________ 


flowers / LKG / exercise / Knowledge Hub

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Write ten names of flowers

1- rose - गुलाब 

2- lotus - कमल 

3- lily - लिली

4- marigold - गेंदा

5- sunflower - सूरजमुखी

6- dahlia - गुलदाउदी

7- jasmine - चमेली

8- tulip - कंद पुष्प

9- periwinkle - सदाबहार

10- hibiscus - उड़हुल  

Fill in the blanks with missing letters 

1- ros ______

2- lotus ______

3- lily ______

4- marigold ______

5- sunflower ______

6- dahlia ______

7- jasmine ______

8- tulip ______

9- periwinkle ______

10- hibiscus ______


unscramble the jumbled word 

1- esor - _______________

2- sutol - _______________

3- ylil - _______________

4- dlogiram - _______________

5- rewolfnus - _______________

6- ailhad - _______________

7- enimsaj - _______________

8-  pilut - _______________

9- elkniwirep - _______________

10- sucsibih - _______________ 


vegetables / LKG / exercise / Knowledge Hub

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Write ten names of vegetables

1- potato - आलू

2- tomato - टमाटर

3- radish - मूली

4- cabbage - बन्धकोबी

5- onion - प्याज

6- pumpkin - कददू 

7- brinjal - बैगन

8- pea - मटर

9- cauliflower - फूलगोवि

10- cucumber - खीरा

Fill in the blanks with missing letters 

1- potat______

2- tomat______

3- radis______

4- cabbag______

5- onio______

6- pumpki______

7- brinja______

8- pe______

9- cauliflowe______

10- cucumbe______

unscramble the jumbled word 

1- otatop - _______________

2- otamot - _______________

3- hsidar - _______________

4- egabbac - _______________

5- noino - _______________

6- nikpmup - _______________

7- lajnirb - _______________

8-  aep - _______________

9- rewolfiluac - _______________

10- rebmucue - _______________ 


opposite words / UKG / exercise / Knowledge Hub

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 opposite words

fat - thin

big - small

happy - sad

hot - cold

white - black

tall - short

long - short

strong - weak

hard - soft

old - young

Remember these

fat - मोटा 

thin - पतला

big - बड़ा 

small - छोटा

happy - खुस 

sad - उदास

hot - गरम 

cold - ठंडा

white - उजला 

black - काला

tall -  लम्बा

short - नाटा

long - लम्बा 

short - नाटा

strong - मजबूत 

weak - कमजोर

hard - कड़ा 

soft - मुलायम

old - बूढ़ा 

young - जवान





What are these / What are those / UKG / Knowledge Hub

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What are these? 

What are these? 👉  🐕 🐕 🐕 🐕

Ans:- These are dogs.

What are these? 👉 🥚🥚🥚🥚 

Ans:- These are eggs.

What are these?  👉

Ans:- These are umbrellas.

What are these?  👉 🍎🍎🍎🍎

Ans:- These are apples.

What are these?  👉 📖 📖 📖 📖

Ans:- These are books.

What are those? 

What are those? 👉                                             🐕 🐕 🐕 🐕

Ans:- Those are dogs.

What are those?  👉                                 🥚🥚🥚🥚 

Ans:- Those are eggs.

What are those? 👉                                              

Ans:- Those are umbrellas.

What are those? 👉                                               🍎🍎🍎🍎

Ans:- Those are apples.

What are those? 👉                                   📖 📖 📖 📖

Ans:- Those are books.

Translare into english

1- येसब  भालू हैं । 

2- येसब  शेर हैं। 

3- येसब बाघ हैं। 

4- येसब चींटीयां हैं। 

5- येसब इंजन हैं। 

6- वेसब ऊँट हैं। 

7- वेसब ऊल्लू हैं। 

8- वेसब तोता हैं। 

9- वेसब जानवर हैं। 

10- वेसब पतंगें  हैं