vegetables / LKG / exercise / Knowledge Hub


Write ten names of vegetables

1- potato - आलू

2- tomato - टमाटर

3- radish - मूली

4- cabbage - बन्धकोबी

5- onion - प्याज

6- pumpkin - कददू 

7- brinjal - बैगन

8- pea - मटर

9- cauliflower - फूलगोवि

10- cucumber - खीरा

Fill in the blanks with missing letters 

1- potat______

2- tomat______

3- radis______

4- cabbag______

5- onio______

6- pumpki______

7- brinja______

8- pe______

9- cauliflowe______

10- cucumbe______

unscramble the jumbled word 

1- otatop - _______________

2- otamot - _______________

3- hsidar - _______________

4- egabbac - _______________

5- noino - _______________

6- nikpmup - _______________

7- lajnirb - _______________

8-  aep - _______________

9- rewolfiluac - _______________

10- rebmucue - _______________ 

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