Conjunction: Grammar Rules and Example: class 10: New St. Mery English School

 Use of coordinating conjunction -for

For is used to explain why, it is used as a conjunction of purposes or reason. It joins two sentences in which, first sentence represent action and second sentence carry the reason of that action. 

Ex:- Rahul drank some water for he was thirsty. 

Use of coordinating conjunction -and

And is used to join two ideas in the form of two words, phrases or clauses.

Ex:- She likes to drink tea and coffee.

They play cricket and basket ball.

Use of coordinating conjunction - nor

Nor means "and not"

Nor is used to join second negative idea with the negative idea in the first part of the sentence.

For Example

She didn't call her friends nor write a letter to them.

Mohan can't attend the function nor can Sohan.

He doesn't eat butter nor does he drink milk.

I have not been to Mumbai nor have been to london.

He can,t sing nor can he dance.

She was not carrying umbrella nor was she wearing raincoats. 

Use of coordinating conjunction - but

But is used to introduce a contrasting idea.

But is only a conjunction which express opposite ideas on either sides of a sentence. 

Ex:- He is poor but honest

Santosh was ill but he attended the meeting.

They ate chapati but i ate rice.

He likes dancing but i like singing.

Use of coordinating conjunction -or

Or is used to express an alternative or a choice between two things.

Ex:- We should carry umbrella or raincoat in rainy season.

We can go on a vacation or save money.

Use of coordinating conjunction -yet

Yet is used to express something that was expected but didn't happen, It means despite something.

Ex:- I worked hard for it yet couldn't succeed.

I am not comfortable in dancing yet i will try.

Kabita plays cricket very well yet her favourite sport is football.

Use of coordinating conjunction -so

So indicates a result or a consequence.

Ex:- The computer was not working so they called a computer engineer.

        The park was closed so we went to play on road 

What is subordinating conjunction?

Ans:- Subordinating conjunction is a conjunction that is used to join a principal clause and a subordinate clause.

A subordinating conjunction introduces a dependent clause and indicates the nature of the relationship among the dependent clause and the independent clause.

Ex:- whenever, when, after, because, until, as soon as

 She begins to sing whenever she hears a song.

Write some important subordinating conjunctions that is used to tell time.

Ans:- after, before, as long as ( जब तक ), as soon as (जैसे हीं ), until ( जब तक ), when, whenever ( कभी भी/ जब भी  ), while( जबकि / के दौरान ), once ( एक बार ), till ( तक ), still ( फिर भी )

Write some important subordinating conjunctions that is used to represent place.

Ans:- where, wherever (जहाँ कहीं भी )

Write some important subordinating conjunctions that is used to represent cause or reason .

Ans:- because, so that, as, since etc.  

Write some important subordinating conjunctions that is used to represent comparison

Ans:- than rather than, as much as

Write some important subordinating conjunctions that is used to represent concession

Ans:- though, although, even though

Write some important subordinating conjunctions that is used to represent condition

Ans:- unless, if, only if, even if, provided that 

Subordinating conjunction of time

Those subordinating conjunctions which help us to link a main clause with a subordinating clause to indicate the relation of time is called subordinating conjunction of time.

Ex:- after, before, as long as , as soon as , until , when, whenever(जब भी )  , while, once , till , still  

नोट:- until और till दोनों समान है। till पुराना है जबकि until नया है।  

Use of Before

Before is used to show something that is earlier than the time.

Ex:-He had called me before he left for Mumbai.

I need to prepare the dinner before the friends arrive.

He will finish the presentation, before the clients arrive.

Before he messaged me, I was going to call him.

Use of after

After is used to show something that is subsequently to the time.

Ex:- They couldn't play after the electricity went out.

He can have ice-cream after he finish the lunch.

I will prepare the lunch after the friends arrive

Use of until /till

until / till - इस समय तक 

यह किसी काम को एक निश्चित समय तक हो जाने का बोध कराता है 

Wait here till i come back.

Don't start preparing the dinner until i come back.

The meeting will not begin until the Clint arrive.

Use of as soon as

"As soon as" is used to express an action that immediately happens after earlier action is just completed.

Ex:- As soon as the function begins, the guests start dancing.

As soon as they win the game , they are happy.

The party was stopped as soon as it started raining.

Use of since

Since is a subordinating conjunction of time. The meaning of since is " from the time when"

Ex:- I have been living here since monday.

I will stay at home and watch movie since it is raining.

Since she was tired, she took some rest.

Use of when

When is a subordinating conjunction of time. The meaning of when is " at that time" (उस समय से )

Ex:- When i came in the class,everyone looked at me. 

He lost his job, when he was ill.

We will discuss this, when she will come.

Use of while

While is a subordinating conjunction of time. The meaning of while is " during the time that or as long as"

Ex:- While they were studying, the electricity went out.

You need to keep silence, while you are in the school.

Use of Whenever

Whenever - कभी भी / जब भी

Whenever means every time that something happens or at whatever time or on whatever occasion

Ex:- The school was closed whenever it rained heavily.

Whenever my mother smiled, I smiled back.

Subordinating conjunction of place

 Those subordinating conjunctions which help us to link a main clause with a subordinating clause to indicate the relation of place is called subordinating conjunction of place.

Ex:- Where, Wherever

Use of where

Where is a subordinating conjunction of place . The meaning of where is " in the place that or in situations that. 

Ex:- I will stay at a place where no one comes.

He will go to the class where the students are sitting.

He met me where we had dinner.

Use of wherever

Wherever- कहीं भी 

Wherever  is a subordinating conjunction of place. It is used to indicate that something happens and is true in any place or situation.

Ex:- My brother followed me wherever i went.

He will live wherever the weather is good.

Subordinating conjunction of reason / cause /effect

Subordinating conjunction of reason is a type of subordinating clause that is used to indicate the reason of the other part of the same sentence.

Ex:- because, since, so that, in order that, in order to

Use of because

Because is a type of subordinating conjunction that is used to show reason. because is used on those places where principal clause is important

Ex:- The function was stopped because it was raining heavily.

He became poor because he was lazy.

I love dogs because they are loyal.

Use of since

Since is a subordinating conjunction which is used to reason for something. since is used on those places where subordinating clause is important

Ex:- Since i got a distinction in all the subjects , i am happy.

I thought of baking a cake, since it is her birthday.

Use of so that

So that is a type of subordinating conjunction of that is used to show purpose.

He is preparing the dinner so that you eat on time.

She slept early so that she wake up on time.

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